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On July 4, 2016, 13:00 there is the new moon in Cancer. Begins the phase of detachment, of dis-identification. From what? From all that no longer attracts us to start searching elsewhere. The desire, if not the necessity, to seek something new, the spirit of research that is activated when we start to feel alienated, prisoners or empty inside. And 'search of the dream, to go beyond your limits and boundaries, exploring all directions but, above all, to go within themselves. We feel "called" from our vocation, to find something else. We will begin to search for the right person, the right house, the right job to move to a truly new philosophy of life, just for us. We begin to search for the meaning of our life, the truth beyond appearances. Simply put, the pursuit of happiness. All this passes through a take care of, thanks to the activation of the feminine energy that this new moon finally makes it lively and dominant. Our feminine side awakens and with him a great desire to start a new journey that has as its main passenger ourselves and our needs. also happen to take some streets without success before finding the right path. Find ourselves, integrating tenderness, our inner mother who nourishes us, takes care, that makes us feel protected and loved. The moon stimulates us to seek our roots, our origins. If we do not know where we come from, we will not know even know where we're going. Bert Hellinger said that "without roots does not fly". I agree completely. More roots are firm, the more our stability is strong and we can go further, to face the new, the unknown and make the leap into the void. It ''s time to make peace with our "Mom", both archetypal and physical. 95% of the psychological problems of the people is linked to a bad relationship with the parent Mother; It is inevitable. It is the first person who takes care of us, nourishes us, but also the one that, unknowingly, conveys the fears, frustrations, fatigue and even anger; we idealize, but a person with his weaknesses and fragility. We are a sponge in those moments and our psyche absorbs everything. If we have a problematic relationship with her, our life tends to be unsatisfactory, full of conflicts, failures on all fronts. Find love and connection with her, the healthy, the natural one, it will lead us to a happier life. The new moon marks the beginning of liberation from the unhealthy links to turn them into adult relationships and healthy at last. The presence of mercury and Venus close to the new moon, in good aspect to Jupiter in the sign of Virgo, intensifies the healing aspect of our feminine side, the sensitive, sometimes hurt, misunderstood, but crucial in changing your life into something satisfactory if well integrated. Forgive the past is the task of this sky, let go of all the emotional attachments that keep us stuck in now suffocating situations. The wounds that we have accumulated in our lives must become moments of experience, of inner growth. Remember that just by touching the most intense pain we can achieve a profound transformation. The problem is that we remain tied to that pain. Well, the good news is that there are going to liberate!
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